Become a Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program Volunteer

Information for 2024 CLMP Monitoring Season Enrollment

CLMP enrollment is closed for the 2024 season. 2025 enrollment will be available soon.

Access the CLMP enrollment system by clicking on the blue button below. But first – some important information:

  • Review the Parameter and Fee Information below to plan your enrollment.
  • Payments are only accepted through our enrollment website. Do not mail checks.
  • Check out this step-by-step guide to the CLMP enrollment system. You can also watch a video that takes you through the system.
  • Additional (“Assisting”) volunteers helping with monitoring may sign up at any time.
  • Training is required for most parameters. 
    • Visit our Lake Training page for details. You can enroll in the CLMP before attending training.

Click here to enroll

2024 Parameter and Fee Information (for reference only. 2025 information will be available soon) 

Basic Water Quality Parameters

New and experienced participants may enroll.

  • Secchi Disk Transparency: $30 
    • Secchi disk is a simple tool that measures water transparency/clarity. Consistent Secchi disk transparency measurements are a useful indicator of lake quality changes and trends. Training is optional but recommended. If you need a Secchi disk, you can order one separately. Enrollment deadline: May 10, 2024.
      • Equipment: If you need a Secchi Disk, you can:
        • Order and pick it up at the MLSA Conference on April 26 & 27, 2024. Cost: $50  OR
        • Order and have it shipped to your address. Cost: $60
  • Spring Total Phosphorus: $30  —  Must also be enrolled in transparency. 
    • Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for algae and plant growthSpring total phosphorus is an estimate of all the phosphorus in your lake. Annual measurements are useful in evaluating nutrient enrichment. Samples are collected within two weeks of lake ice-out. Sample collection bottles are included with the enrollment fee and will be mailed to the Lead Volunteer. Enrollment deadline: March 1, 2024.
  • Summer Total Phosphorus: $30  —  Must also be enrolled in transparency. 
    • Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for algae and plant growth. Summer total phosphorus is used to estimate your lake’s productivity (trophic status) – Oligotrophic, mesotrophic, or eutrophic. Samples are collected in late August or September. Sample collection bottles are included with the enrollment fee and will be mailed to the Lead Volunteer. Enrollment deadline: May 10, 2024.
  • Score the Shore: Lakeshore Habitat Assessment: $30
    • Healthy shorelines are an important and valuable component of your lake. Score the Shore is a protocol to assess the quality of your lake’s shoreline habitat. Enrollment deadline: August 31, 2024.
  • Exotic Aquatic Plant Watch: $30
    • Finding invasive aquatic plants before they become established is essential to effective management. The Exotic Aquatic Plant Watch is an early detection monitoring protocol for troublesome exotic aquatic plants that might end up in your lake. Enrollment deadline: August 31, 2024.

Advanced Water Quality Parameters

Participants who have been in the CLMP for one or more years may enroll.

  • Chlorophyll: See price options below —  Must also be enrolled in transparency and phosphorus. 
    • Chlorophyll is a measure of the amount of algae growing in your lake. Chlorophyll measurements help determine the productivity (trophic status) of your lake– Oligotrophic, mesotrophic, or eutrophic. Select one of the options below. Enrollment deadline: April 1, 2024.
      • First Year Chlorophyll-a with Complete Sampling Kit
        • Choose this option if this is your lake’s first-time sampling chlorophyll-a. You will receive a Complete Chlorophyll-a Sampling Kit. This kit includes a chlorophyll sampling device, sample bottles, filtration syringe, and supplies (filters, vials, labels, preservative, etc.). If you already have a sampler, please choose the “Returning Chlorophyll-a and Refill Sampling Kit” option listed below.
          • Pick up the Complete Sampling Kit at the Michigan Lakes and Streams Conference, April 26 & 27, 2024 ($100)
          • Ship Complete Sampling Kit to my address ($120)


      • Returning Chlorophyll-a with Refill Sampling Kit
        • Choose this option if your lake is in its second year (or more) of sampling for Chlorophyll-a. You will receive a Chlorophyll-a Refill Kit. Refill kits include all the filters, vials, labels, preservative, etc., that returning chlorophyll volunteers will need, to continue to collect Chlorophyll-a.
          • Pick up Refill Sampling Kit at the Michigan Lakes and Streams Conference, April 26 & 27, 2024 ($72)
          • Ship Refill Sampling Kit to my address ($80)
  • Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature – Must also be enrolled in transparency, phosphorus, and chlorophyll. 
    • A lakes dissolved oxygen and temperature influence the physical, chemical, and biological qualities of your lake. Measurements are used to determine stratification patterns and oxygen depletion. If you choose to use a MiCorps-owned meter for the season, we will arrange delivery. You may be asked to share the meter with nearby lake(s). Enrollment deadline: April 1, 2024.
    • Use MiCorps meter ($60.00) 
    • Use your own meter (only YSI models 550A or Pro20 are approved for CLMP use) ($30.00) 
  • Aquatic Plant Mapping —  Must also be enrolled in transparency, phosphorus, and chlorophyll. 
    • Aquatic plants are a natural and essential part of lake. This is an intensive protocol to map and quantify the aquatic plants – native and invasive, if applicable – in your lake. Enrollment deadline: May 10, 2024.
    • First year ($250):  Includes a visit to your lake from MiCorps staff
    • Subsequent Years ($30):  For experienced volunteers continuing or repeating their Aquatic Plant Mapping efforts only. 

Printed Individual Lake Report

  • Print Copy of Individual Lake Report: $3 each —  Note that an electronic copy will be emailed at the end of the season at no cost.

2025 Enrollment Fee Refund Policy

Organizations or individuals that have paid enrollment fees for the MiCorps Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP) and later find that they are unable to complete the monitoring activities may request a refund of fees by notifying MiCorps in writing by May 31, 2025. The refund deadline is necessary due to scheduled allocation and distribution of supplies and materials for the sampling season.

  • After May 31, 2025, requests for refunds of fees will not be honored.
  • MiCorps will refund all enrollment fees if CLMP enrollment limits are exceeded for the year. (This is rare.)
  • Requests for enrollment fee refunds should be directed to
  • Download a copy of the 2025 CLMP Refund Policy.