News » Page 3

Are invasive plants threatening your lake? Watch this video and join the Exotic Aquatic Plant Watch (EAPW) to find out! Invasive aquatic plants can be bad news for your lake, as high densities of these unwanted species can negatively affect fish populations and reduce recreational use. MiCorps staff have created this short video, which introduces and… Read More

In case you missed it: Michigan State University Extension article features MiCorps Bindu Bhakta, a Michigan State University (MSU) Extension Educator in Oakland County, recently published an article for MSU Extension News discussing the technical assistance, training, and grants offered by MiCorps to support volunteer monitoring efforts across the state. We are excited to be… Read More

Water Quality Monitoring Requests – Background on the Process and How to Submit a Request Join Michigan DEQ for a webinar on Nov 05, 2015 at 2:00 PM EST. Register now! This webinar will focus on the process through which people can submit requests to have Michigan DEQ Water Resources Division (WRD) consider conducting… Read More